Super Mario 64 BETA

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Animated Star Super Mario 64 Beta videos


Chapter 1 (Starting off) : Well, one of the biggest things known about the Super Mario 64 Beta was that the game was originally way more cartoony and flat compared to it's retail version.
The game started as one of the first project's for the Nintendo 64 or then known as the "Ultra 64".
NOTE: This change was possibly made to make the hardware seem more powerful and show off it's capabilities more.

Chapter 2 (Information) : Back in 1993-1995, Nintendo thought of moving into 3D platforming. Unfortunately, their beginnings did not go very well. Around 1994, Nintendo had been
planning a new project for hardware which had never been seen before, only mere rumours of it. It was said that it was an unreleased graphics drive that made the platforming come to life.
Around the time of it's making, Shigeru established a project for the system which was known as Super Mario FX. Super Mario FX was the unreleased SNES version of Super Mario 64.
But since the hardware was not powerful enough, it was cancelled. Another 1 or 2 years later, Nintendo's new system was brought in and interviewed by a few companies that had shows
like Bad Influence™ and their own exhibit, Nintendo SpaceWorld™. At a first review of their system, which was the N64 (At the time known as the Ultra 64) it was confirmed that they
didn't cancel Super Mario FX and continued the game onto their 64 bit system. Since the system was 64 bit, They decided to go with the name Super Mario 64 instead.
NOTE: The unreleased graphics drive was likely the fabled "Nintendo Playstation".

Chapter 3 (Conclusion) : Everyone knows that games go through evolution stages in development. But something funny
about Super Mario 64 is it was a game that was completely different from it's retail versions during development.

Now we can talk about the many differences in the early versions of Super Mario 64.

Mushroom Castle (Main HUB)
mushroomcastle mushroomcastle
The first difference that is immediately noticed are the more cartoony, simple textures. An example is the windows, they're more flat and simple compared to the mushroom shaped windows in the retail release.
Another difference is that the castle was originally more blocky compared to the rounder castle seen in the retail game. There was likely no 120 cannon as the SM64 Beta only contained around 16 stars.
Peaches Portrait in the front of the castle was replaced with a clock, and the castle did not have the 2 towers in the back.

Inside Castle (Main HUB 2)
mushroomcastle mushroomcastle
At one point the inside was darker and had bright yéllow stars and moons on a blue wall. It also did not contain 2 rooms which in retail, lead to Secret Slide on the right and Bowser 1 on the left.
Instead it was only 2 doors which in the retail game, lead to upstairs. But in the early versions they would lead to a hallway which was likely for Bowser 1. The rooms were much smaller and had a more simplistic design.

Some of the rooms
dirediredocksroom debugentrance paintingslide
It is easy to see that originally some of the paintings were different. An example is the "Painting Slide" one which is a painting of a green grass field with mushrooms and snowy mountains.
It seems they did not focus on the presentation of levels as much in paintings and they would instead be fairly generic and only give a small idea of where you were going.

Paintings seemed to take you to different places depending on where you jumped in, similar to the Wet Dry World painting.
An example of this can be seen below:
This footage can show that the "Painting Slide" painting could take you to either:
Whomp's Fortress (Known as Rocky Mountain at the time) or the Mountain Slide. (Donkey Kong's Slide)

Whomp's Fortress (Rocky Mountain)
rockymountain rockymountain rockymountain nobodyhere carpet
Whomp's Fortress is a very good example of the original cartoony artstyle used in the SM64 Beta. You can see polka-dot textures all over the level
and more colorful looking bricks around the fortress. It appears that Mario would have been able to fly upon shooting from the cannon based on the 3rd image.
Something I have noticed is that the start of the level has 2 different varients. The first varient is the one more similar to retail while the other one is missing a chunk of the grass.
The dirt path is halfway replaced with a wood path, for some reason aswell as smaller fences. The stage also has some red carpets which can mark where to go for new players.

Dire Dire Docks (Water Land)
dirediredocks dirediredocks missingcap
Dire Dire Docks was by far the level with the least amount of changes from retail. Originally the seaweed texture near the spawn area was a wall of dirty brown bricks and the water was a much deeper shade of blue.
Not much else different about this stage other than the lack of platforms above the submarine. The "Collect The Caps" star did not exist since the area did not exist yet as seen in the 3rd image.

Lethal Lava Land (Fireball Land)
fireball fireball fireball
Lethal Lava Land originally had less objects and platforms and the player used to spawn on the right rather than the left. A notable change is the Big Bully bossfight at the end of the stage used to be
a lot more straight forward and not much of a boss at all. The Big Bully bossfight was instead just a normal bully and the end area with the falling platforms was a path to the star. The area with the
rolling log possibly did not exist or was near the far left instead, based on the mirrored entrance location. I also believe the left start platforms where Mario usually spawns did not even exist.

Cool Cool Mountain (Snow World)
One of the more interesting levels of the early versions. Cool Cool Mountain was a much smaller stage and overall quite different but still had some similarity to the retail version. It would probbaly start off
at the top like normal but much more simple like the rest of it. Not much is known about the top section of this stage but presumably, when you reach the end of the path down the level, you would reach
the pyramid area. This is clearly an earlier version of the wooden-hut area. When Mario reaches the end of the big penguin slide, it is easy to assume he would walk out of an offscreen version of the hut,
possibly on the far right of the image shown and a star would spawn near the mother penguin.

Bob-Omb Battlefield (Battlefield)
battlefield kingbomb chainchomp
These shots came from a batch of shots from an almost complete version of the game, which is why the HUD is mostly finished. First off, you may have noticed the weird spike on top of the mountain.
I believe it may have been an earlier marker for the end of the Koopa Race, rather than the flag. The island originally was more to the left for some reason, which is over the Chain Chomp area instead.
Something very strange in the first image is that, a large amount of scenery seems to be missing including the cannon. The Koopa that races you is also in a different spot. The Chain Chomp has no
stump, which could mean it would freely roam that area protecting the star. Also it may just be the Photos, but the colors seem to be different on the Dirt walls and darker grass, Albeit darker colors in all.

Chapter 4 (Speculation, Theories, Etc.) : Not everyone can agree on things, but the theories that come to me seem to make the most sense.

Jolly Rodger Bay (Sunken Ship)
jrbsunkship jrbwatercave
Jolly Rodger Bay seemed like a larger level, and was very similar looking to Dire Dire Docks (Probbaly why it was changed). The cave used to be smaller and looked very similar to the lower part of Dire Dire Docks,
with the treasure chests in the cave being on a rock also very similar to the rock in that same level. The entrance to the cave seems to had no coins in it, and no elevation because it contained water.
The ship was way larger, and had a mast and there were no windows on it either. The whole level seems to have had a distant bright blue fog effect.

Wet Dry World (Training Stage)
wdwdungeon wdwbetascan
Wet Dry World looked completely different, with a more dungeon-like appearance. The level was very spacious and clearly a training level so new players could practice their 3D platforming skills,
as they would have not experienced a game like Mario 64 before. I think that this stage might have had the Vanish Cap unlockable as the geometry is very similar to the Vanish Cap stage.
The Yoshi egg loads to memory in Whomp’s Fortress and Wet Dry World. This could mean Yoshi would have helped players learn how to do things in the game, especially in this training stage.

Instead he gives you a new jump and 100 lives! And a message from Nintendo.

Possible entrances to training stage?
m64wdw snap0199
This may appear a bit sketchy but here are my reasons. I believe that the HMC room was planned for the Training Stage as in the debug level select screen, HMC is labeled as "CAVE DUNGEON" and
as I mentioned, the level looked more dungeon-like, and possibly even an Beta HMC. Another reason is the connection with the Vanish Cap stage, which is reached through the moat hole.
Both of these are very similar ways to enter a stage, so i believe that the HMC room was picked first, but when Nintendo realized it was too late in the game they put it in the moat.

Big Boos Haunt (Haunted Mansion)
Big Boo's Haunt as expected looked a lot more cartoony and less menacing than the retail version. The level was way less spacious and was simply comprised of small rooms and hallways.
The boos in the level seemed to be more randomly placed aswell. A close friend came up with a plausable theory that the Big Boo's Haunt beta contained or was a semi-slide
and could either be an earlier Cool Cool Mountain Slide or a Beta Peach's Secret Slide.

Possible layout of the level and maybe minimap like SM64DS.

Here is the evidence:
Peach's Secret Slide contain Boo data and Big Boo's Haunt background data
The Cool Cool Mountain slide contain similar modeling to Beta Big Boo's Haunt.

Multiplayer (Scrapped beacuse of memory etc)
multiplayerbeta 93956 304350 2604442
Strangely enough, a feature that would have made the game a lot better was removed. But there are many reasons it was cut, mainly because of memory issues. It also may have been cut because
the Nintendo 64/Ultra 64 only came with one controller. I think the mode would have featured Mario and Luigi running around without splitscreen, as it used a special camera system that zoomed farther out
if either player went too far away from eachother. The Beta mini map might have been useful for this. There are fragments of the multiplayer code still in the retail game, and the special camera system was re-implemented as the alternate Mario Cam mode.
Super Mario 64 DS later re-used the idea of multiplayer, but with up to 4 players. It is possible the code was just reused in Super Mario 64 DS.

Mario's early model
In SM64 Beta, Mario used to have a slightly different model. You can see his hair is more triangular and the back of his cap is a bit flat for some reason.
Now, many people have tried to disprove this so I have provided some images. Above you can see a diagram of some differences on Mario's head like his hair being less detailed.
Other smallers details like his sideburns being a bit different, more of a brighter brown. His hair and overalls also appear to be a bit darker.

Sound differences?
On a side note.. Some of the sounds in the Prerelease betas were different, like for example: Mario's voice! At one point,
Mario had a higher pitched voice which sounded more like Warner Bros. Sound Library SFX. You can check those out at the start of the page.

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